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Lockdown Thoughts

3 May 2020 14:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Seeking out comforting words or just learning that someone else is going through the same things that you are can offer a release. It is a huge benefit of people being able to post their thoughts and experiences online.

And whilst it is important, we always struggle to get people to share their little moments of happiness.  It might be getting through another virtual online meeting whilst your kids are fighting with each other in the next room.  It might be suddenly hearing a song that you used to love when you were 14 but have not heard for years.

So we would like to throw open the metaphorical doors to you all to tell us about things that made you smile or make you go "yesssssss!"

It's a tough time for lots of people all over the world. Parents with kids may feel particularly challenged and for parents with adopted or foster kids it can feel even more isolating.

Take a breath, know that you are doing your best, and post something on our website to let the steam out.....

For me, the following link almost exactly matches the thoughts in my head...

Teachers ... We're sorry

I'm happy to be judged....


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  • Do not make comments that degrade others on the basis of gender, race, class, ethnicity, political beliefs, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other classifications.
  • Do not make comments that could intimidate, demean or harass other members.


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