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Family-finding service

3 Jan 2020 11:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

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Family finding: information for our LGBTQ+ members

Family finding: information for staff in our adoption/fostering member agencies

Information for our LGBTQ+ members

If you’re one of our LGBTQ+ adopter members – and you’ve reached the family-finding stage – then this service may be the one that helps you find your forever family. The service lists children’s profiles submitted to New Family Social by our member agencies that are keen to reach as many potential parents for a possible match for each child. These profiles are accompanied with contact details for the child’s social worker so our members can approach them directly for consideration.

How do I access the service?

To be eligible to access the service you need to

  • Be a New Family Social LGBTQ+ adopter member at Gold Level
  • Be at the family-finding stage of your adoption journey (confirmed by your social worker).

If you meet both of these criteria then please contact us using this form.

What will New Family Social do?

For child protection reasons we will contact your social worker to verify that you are currently family-finding. Once confirmed we will give you access to the family-finding service, with children’s profiles appearing among the most recent postings in your forum list. You can refine the list by selecting the ‘Family Finding’ thread.

Information for staff in our adoption/fostering member agencies

Our agency members can directly promote the profiles of children they’re family-finding for to LGBTQ+ approved adopters and foster carers. Only our LGBTQ+ members who’ve been confirmed as family-finding have access to submitted profiles.

To submit profiles to the service, login to our site with your Orange Professional login, go to the "My Agency" page, and the scroll down until you reach the Family Finding service and follow the instructions.

You can select whether you want us to reach out to other agencies or our LGBTQ+ approved members.  


Before you comment or post we have two rules -

  • Do not make comments that degrade others on the basis of gender, race, class, ethnicity, political beliefs, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other classifications.
  • Do not make comments that could intimidate, demean or harass other members.


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